What Are the Best Shoes?

The RunRX Podcast by Coach Valerie & Coach Caroline

Episode notes

Trying to pick out new running shoes? Listen to this episode before you do!

Timestamps of big takeaways

Neutral vs. Stability vs. Motion Control Shoes

[01:12] Coach Valerie discusses the different types of running shoes and emphasizes that comfort is the most important factor.

[02:21] She explains the idea behind motion control and stability shoes, and why they may not be the best choice for runners.

[04:17] Coach Valerie talks about the problems with gait analysis and how shoes shouldn't control foot movement.

Proper Running Technique

[05:16] Having a loose and free ankle while running is critical. The foot should land neutrally on the ground.

[07:33] The focus should be on the correct movement of pulling the foot, rather than foot strike and impact.

Minimalist vs. Cushioned  ... 

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fitness running coachrunning coachrunning shoes